Service description
An impacted tooth cannot properly erupt through the gums. Dr. Tien can help your impacted teeth erupt and move into proper alignment with exposure and bracketing. Exposure bracketing can help impacted teeth move into the proper placement and improve your oral health and the quality of your smile.
Impacted teeth, like canines, are watched closely in childhood. Warning signs of impacted canines often present themselves early, allowing for the prevention of the issue. Even so, impacted canines can still occur. If the issue arises, it is important to seek treatment. The older you are, the less likely your canines will erupt on their own. Before receiving treatment, a thorough oral exam is needed. We look over the visible structures in your mouth and take images, which allow us to see the hidden structures. In many cases, impacted teeth can be surgically exposed and pulled into the mouth using a special bracket attached to orthodontic work. A surgical procedure is needed to place the bracket. A small incision is made in the gums, providing us with access to the impacted teeth. We then bond a small bracket to the front surface. A small chain on the bracket is attached to your orthodontic work. An elastic O-ring is then used to provide tension, which helps to coax the impacted tooth into proper alignment. As your tooth erupts, the elastic is periodically adjusted to provide it with the tension it needs.