Service description
Local anesthesia, also called local anesthetic, is usually a one-time injection of medicine that numbs a small area of the body. It is used for procedures such as performing a skin biopsy or breast biopsy, teeth extractions, repairing a broken bone, or stitching a deep cut. You will be awake and alert and may feel some pressure, but you won’t feel pain in the treated area.
Nitrous oxide, more commonly known as laughing gas, is an effective and safe sedative agent. It is mixed with oxygen and administered through inhalation through a small mask that fits over the nose to help patients relax during their dental procedures.
Intravenous (IV) sedation is a type of anesthesia (drugs that relax a patient and stop them from feeling pain) given through a tube placed in a vein. It is also known as monitored anesthesia care (MAC), conscious sedation, or in some cases, "twilight sleep."