oral and maxillofacial surgery

Service description

Excess skin and unwanted fat collect under the chin and neck areas during aging. This can provide an appearance of fullness or sagginess of the neck, called the “turkey gobbler” look. When performed properly, liposuction creates smooth contours with minimal unevenness or dimpling.
Aside from overweight patients or those with age-related droopiness along the neck and chin, many younger patients with normal or ideal body fat have excess fat in these areas due to heredity or other factors. Sometimes this excess tissue may contribute to soft tissue fullness of the neck, which can worsen disorders such as sleep apnea. For aging patients, liposuction of the chin and neck slims and tightens the area to improve its appearance.
Generally, chin and neck liposuction is performed through a single three-millimeter incision in the shadowed area below the chin. The entire neck and jowl area can be treated through this single small incision, resulting in a tiny, inconspicuous scar. Liposuction of the neck is often performed simultaneously with a neck lift, during which Dr. Tien tightens the neck muscles and removes the excess skin and soft tissue that causes sagginess. Neck liposuction techniques provide an ideal adjunctive approach for refining and finishing the initial outcome of the neck lift. Liposuction of the chin may also be performed to refine the facelift results or a chin augmentation/reduction procedure.
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